

The fact that Tim Keller concedes certain points about religion makes want to read this book
"The Reason For God" and see what he has to say.

As already stated, Mr. Keller's approach to his argument is anything but direct. He gives up more ground than the 2006 Indianapolis Colts defense (seventh worst all time) and uses more misdirection than an option offense.

Religion causes violence, doubting God is healthy, Christianity cannot exist without social justice, Jesus suffered exclusion from God's presence (no mention of wrath), Christians tend to be morally deficient, and macro evolution is probably for real.

Throw in the natural goodness of man, the relativity of meaning and a naturalistic explanation for supposed miracles and you'd actually have a liberal.

But Mr. Keller isn't willing to go that far. It's a bit of a rope a dope. Mr. Keller follows up his line on religion's threat to peace with this caveat: "Within Christianity—robust, orthodox Christianity—there are rich resources that can make its followers agents for peace on earth."

Ohhhhhh ... so there are the roots that religion could be good in place ... but for some reason people made some poor decisions within their faith and we ended up with suicide bombers, 9/11, the Crusades, witch-hunts, a Gunpowder Plot, Indian partition, Israeli/Palestinian wars, Serb/Croat/Muslim massacres, persecution of Jews as 'Christ killers', Northern Ireland 'troubles', 'honor killings' and televangelists fleecing gullible people of their money.

Hey it's not religion's fault! Come on! At our annual Jesus Buffet ... We set the vegetable tray with low-fat western chipotle dip RIGHT NEXT TO the brownies. It's not our fault the guests choose poorly and are huge lard asses.

P.S. I'm still going to probably read his book, because i want to see if he can come up with an actual decent reason for God that i haven't heard before. (after I'm done reading God Delusion, which i borrowed from above there)

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