

I contend that we are both atheists.
I just believe in one fewer god than you do.
When you understand why you dismiss all other possible gods,
you will understand why I dismiss yours.
—Stephen Henry Roberts

I couldn't find any pictures of Stephen Henry Roberts, so i'm going to just make the safe assumption that he looks a lot like Olivia Munn.

Damn it Olivia, are you going to stop stalking me or am i going to have to renew the restraining order against you? I get it. You want to jump my super-sexy muscles. But in order to court me, i need you to stimulate my mind with engaging conversation first. I'm not a piece of meat.



He'd like to stay 17 or 18 the rest of his life?
Join the club buddy. When the original Amish founders were making up the story about their religion they should have put something in it about "you'll stay 17 forever if you follow our teachings." I imagine that would have been pretty popular.

Also, I tried to listen to an ipod once, but the ear-bud wires turned into giant serpents and starting spitting out flames until my ears were severely burned. I hate when devil does that kind of stuff, but i had to respect his craftiness and creativity on that one. Good one devil ... good one.



"The whole problem with this idea of obscenity and indecency, and all of these things — bad language and whatever — it's all caused by one basic thing, and that is: religious superstition," Carlin told the AP in a 2004 interview. "There's an idea that the human body is somehow evil and bad and there are parts of it that are especially evil and bad, and we should be ashamed. Fear, guilt and shame are built into the attitude toward sex and the body. ... It's reflected in these prohibitions and these taboos that we have."

— George Carlin

Exactly. Kudos to a man that didn't follow a practice that teaches you be ashamed of being human.



16-year-old Neil Beagley's family may as well have hit the repeat button on the song "Faith" by George Michael alongside Neil's hospital bed. I assume this is what is meant by faith healing.

Tuesday's death of 16-year-old Neil Beagley, however, may not be a crime because Oregon law allows minors 14 and older to decide for themselves whether to accept medical treatment.

"All of the interviews from last night are that he did in fact refuse treatment," police Sgt. Lynne Benton said Wednesday. "Unless we can disprove that, charges probably won't be filed in this case."

An autopsy Wednesday showed Beagley died of heart failure caused by a urinary tract blockage.

He likely had a congenital condition that constricted his urinary tract where the bladder empties into the urethra, and the condition of his organs indicates he had multiple blockages during his life, said Dr. Clifford Nelson, deputy state medical examiner for Clackamas County.

Nelson said a catheter would have saved the boy's life. If the condition had been dealt with earlier, a urologist could easily have removed the blockage and avoided the kidney damage that came with the repeated illnesses, Nelson said.

It seems like God is pretty vengeful. He keeps killing people with fairly simple illnesses that were cured a long time ago, no matter how many members of the congregation get together and pray for them?? What a jerk.

I'm not saying someone should drop a nasty case of Pneumonia on churches that endorse faith healing, so these amazingly stupid losers can't reproduce anymore ... but i'm not not saying it either.



Did the Nukes go off yet? i'm not sure . I'm hunkered down in a bomb shelter.

I love how they say it's a religious cult as if ALL religions aren't cults. Hilarious.

Name me one difference between a mainstream religion and a cult beside membership numbers?

Let's see ...

safe haven for predators that like sex with super-young people... check.

ridiculous prophecies ... check.

I'm waiting ... one difference ... anyone?...



It's been a while since my last post because i saw this video and it's pretty obvious to me now that God does exist!

I mean if you were an intelligent designer you can't come right out and show yourself, or leave behind clear documents about the founding of your religion for your followers. Otherwise they couldn't have true faith! Duh.

Instead, what you do is, leave behind little clues within other plants and animals you made. I'll design seed
s to fly to new areas and animals to sense tsunamis. It''ll be like the best episode of CSI ever! That way some losERrrr, i mean internet nerd prophet, can piece them together on a youtube clip for all to see the light, yet everyone can retain their faith. Everybody wins!

Even if they were able to disprove the "theory of evolution," which they didn't, that doesn't prove the existence of God. It's not either-or. If there were no such thing as evolution which has concrete proof like fossils, and carbon dating — Which religion (each with zero real evidence) would be right?