

As he says in the video, "How many people heard of David Tyree before the Super Bowl?" (Well I have, because I'm an NFL junkie. But if you didn't know, he's the guy that made that fantastic catch against his helmet to keep the drive going and beat those dirty, cheating Patriots.

I think it's pretty clear at this point that the Patriots DID cheat for sure. Why else would God manifest himself into the form of the Giants 4th wide receiving option, and beat them single handedly?

Well I'm big Packers fan ... So now if you'll excuse me, I have to write Donald Driver and Brett Favre and make sure they're giving God enough glory, so that Jesus lets the Packers win next year.

P.S. Best ... jersey .... ever. Is that one of those Euro hockey league teams? I'm surprised they're not on TV more.

1 comment:

Purple Jesus said...

"I used to be not famous" + "Now I am kinda famous" = Jesus. It's science.